Our beloved son, Seth Jason Blain, departed this existence on March 16, 2023, after 12 years of exploration, learning, and teaching. He expanded the understanding and curiosity of all who met him. His skill in programming and knowledge of science were only rivaled by his comprehension of the futile nature of the human condition and his love for what lies beyond the dark veil which separates us from the eternal realm of the forever. He has left behind his best friends and parents, Jason and Amie Blain of Post Falls, Idaho, and his crew. We count our time with him sacred, our memories treasured, and his departure too sudden. Our journey continues, until we meet him again in the backrooms of our hearts and the wandering of our souls. May love carry all of us home when our time is fulfilled and our paths complete from out of the temporary into the eternal always where he lives forever. We love you son, see you then.